We want everyone everywhere to have an everyday relationship with Jesus.

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What We Believe

These beliefs are at the core of who we are.

At NewSpring, we trust God’s Word, show visible love, pursue uncommon unity, make bold disciples, and have a kingdom mentality. We believe these five values are a vital part of our everyday relationship with Jesus.


We believe the Bible and listen to the Holy Spirit.


We show God’s love to others through our words and actions.


We invite everyone everywhere into peace with God which leads to peace with one another, in the pursuit of a multi-ethnic multi-generational church.


We help everyone discover who God is, who He made them to be, and the life He has for them.

Having a

We work with others in our church, our communities, and around the world to help everyone know Jesus.

Looking to dive deeper into the theology of what we believe as a church?

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New to NewSpring?

Here's What to Expect

Watch this mini-series to get to know us and learn more about what to expect when you visit.



Guest Services


For Kids

For Students


Where We Gather

NewSpring is one church with 13 locations across South Carolina.

Discover classes, events, and other monthly gatherings or learn more about our campuses, staff, and local partners by finding the location nearest you!

For Kids


Every Sunday, babies through fifth-grade children experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they can have fun learning about Jesus on their level. If you have an infant, we have a Mother’s Viewing Room where you can watch the service and care for your newborn in a dedicated space until you’re ready for them to join us in KidSpring. If your child has individual needs, SpringZone can help them engage with Jesus on the level most appropriate for them.

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For Students


Fuse is NewSpring’s student ministry for sixth through twelfth-grade students that meets each Wednesday. At Fuse, our aim is to graduate students into a lifetime of following Jesus. We believe the next generation of the church will change the world!

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Vision 2030

In 2020, we made a ten-year plan with three specific goals. We’re calling that plan Vision 2030.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I go when I get there?

The parking team will direct you to the closest available spot. Just follow the smiling faces in the bright orange vests. We reserve parking spots for first-time guests, so if you’re new to NewSpring, be sure to turn on your flashers when you enter the parking lot.

As you’re walking to the building, the greeting team will meet you and show you where to find the auditorium, restrooms, and children’s ministry. If you need anything throughout the day — mints, earplugs, a Bible, or a pen — feel free to stop by the Guest Services desk. Or, just ask anyone with a NewSpring lanyard or name tag. We’re a friendly bunch, and we’d love to serve you.

What do you do for kids?

In KidSpring, children fifth grade and younger experience Jesus on their level. KidSpring is a safe, age-appropriate environment where kids have their own service with singing, a Bible lesson, and small group time. To see what our kids are learning, check out KidSpring’s YouTube channel.

For mothers with infants, every campus also has a viewing room where moms can watch the service and care for their newborns in a dedicated space.

How long is the service?

Gatherings last about an hour and 10 minutes. We start by singing three to four songs, then you’ll hear from a member of our teaching team. To get a feel for our teaching style, check out the current series. At the end of the gathering, we create space to respond to what we’ve heard by singing, praying for one another, and bringing our tithes and offerings.

What should I wear?

Most people dress casually, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Still have questions?

We’d love to answer any questions you might have.

Contact Us