Life Lessons from Sunday Dinner

I grew up in a home where there was plenty of love and plenty of food. My mother thrived on cooking for us and does to this day in her 85th year. Fried chicken was a favorite Sunday dinner. Back then we called lunch, dinner, and dinner, supper. Our chicken dinner was usually pecking around in the yard just the day before. So, a chicken dinner consisted of two breast pieces, two wings, two thighs, and two legs. There were two of just about everything, except the neck and gizzard.

There could be seven or eight of us around Mama's table, so she doled out the fried chicken. The men got the big white-meat pieces, the older kids got the choice thigh pieces and legs, and wings went to us little kids. Mama ate the neck and sometimes the gizzard.  She made sure that we got the best parts of that chicken.

In Luke Chapter 10, Jesus teaches an important life lesson that I relate to because of those Sunday dinners. First, He sends out 70 missionaries to prepare the cities for His visitation. Next He tells a wonderful story about what it means to be a good neighbor. Then, during a visit in the home of two sisters, Martha and Mary, Jesus says something that takes me back to that chicken. As Martha scurried around and fretted over the details of His visit, Mary just sat at Jesus' feet and listened and learned. But rather than scolding Mary for not helping her sister, Jesus said that Mary had chosen “the best part.” In our everyday spiritual choices, Jesus – like Mama – wants to be sure we get the best part. 

Instead of worrying about your finances, trust the Lord to provide enough. Trust is the best part.

Instead of being bothered by what people think or say, look to the Lord for your security. Identity in Him is the best part.

Instead of fretting over the details of life, rest in the Lord, and He will give you peace. Rest in Jesus is the best part.

If you spend time with Jesus and look to Him for all you need, you will always have the best part of life.

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