Jan. 21, 2021

Genesis 45, Genesis 46, and Genesis 47

What Joseph’s brothers meant for evil by selling him into slavery, God used to save their lives. Joseph was faithful to God whether he was a boy in a pit, a young man in prison, or a ruler in Egypt. After many years apart, God was able to use this faithfulness to bring Joseph’s family back together in a new land.

It is significant that the Bible records that “All the persons of the house of Jacob who came into Egypt were seventy.” (Genesis 46:27) The number seventy is significant in Scripture, appearing at key moments in both the Old and New Testaments. Some biblical scholars argue that it is connected to leadership, and this generation of God’s people are the leaders of what will become the nation of Israel. 

Jacob makes Joseph swear that he will not be buried in Egypt, but in Canaan, as a reminder to his family that their sojourning in Egypt is temporary. The land of promise that God gave to Abraham is in Canaan.

 “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” – Matthew 14:27
Matthew 14:22-36

Jesus followed up the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 by sending everyone away so he could have time alone with His Father. Seeking time alone with God was important to Jesus to prepare for his upcoming mission to the Gentile regions. 

After he finished praying, Jesus caught up to the disciples by walking on the water, and this terrified them. When Jesus responds “it is I” (“Ego eimi” in Greek, literally “I am”), his Jewish disciples would have instantly heard the voice of Yahweh from the burning bush in Exodus 3:14

This statement along with His powerful display of authority over the waters was understood by his disciples as an emphatic claim of divinity by Jesus. This can be seen in their response, “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:33)

Make It Personal
  • Joseph worked through painful memories with his family in order to forgive them. What family hurts might you need to process and forgive?
  • Peter joined Jesus on the water in the middle of a storm, until he began to doubt. What is a storm that you feel you are in the midst of right now? List some practical ways that you can keep your faith in Jesus. 
  • Prayer prompt: Lord, I trust you as I face the storm of ______ in my life right now. I know that even when I cannot see you at work, I can trust that you are in control and that you will bless my faithfulness. Help me to focus on you today instead of these circumstances. Thank you for being trustworthy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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