Feb. 20, 2021

Numbers 7 and Numbers 8

The nation of Israel is still camped around the base of Mount Sinai, preparing to march towards the Promised Land. Before they get underway, they need to dedicate the completed tabernacle and the tribe of Levi, who would lead them in worship.

Israel’s leaders made their first offerings to dedicate the tabernacle. Every day, one of the tribes presented an identical gift to commission the constructed tabernacle into service. These gifts were not small or insignificant but each offering was costly. The tribal leaders understood that their offerings were not only an act of obedience but a demonstration of worship.

Aaron, the High Priest, commenced worship in the tabernacle by lighting the lampstand. The tribe of Levi was then set aside to serve God and lead Israel in worship. They were purified in an elaborate service of dedication before the people. The Levites were to be God’s representatives and needed to prepare for the task.

Mark 3

Mark explores the different responses to Jesus’ authority. The religious leadership was critical of Him, plotting to kill Him because He healed on the Sabbath. Although they saw the power of His miracles, instead of praising God, they claimed He was using the power of Satan. His close family also did not yet understand the truth of who He was. 

The demons do recognize who Jesus is and resist Him. At the same time, everyday people start responding to Jesus in growing numbers. Crowds begin to gather to hear Him teach and to see the miracles He performed. 

As His ministry entered a new phase, Jesus appointed twelve apostles to follow Him. These disciples were anything but the religious elite. Their personalities varied from brash and unrefined, to self-centeredness, and even a betrayer. In spite of lacking the formal qualifications to serve Jesus, each man played a vital part in God’s plan of salvation.

Make It Personal
  • Were you tempted to skip over Numbers 7? Numbers 7 is the second-longest chapter in the Bible. It tells us that God delights in our offerings and that every gift matters to Him. He is interested in every detail of every offering we make. What does God see in the detail of our gifts for His work today?
  • Just as the Levites led Israel in worship, all of us have opportunities to lead others in worshipping Jesus. Whether that’s around the dinner table, in a small group, at work, or in school. God has placed each one of us in positions to lead. How are we preparing (dedicating) ourselves for that work? What areas of our lives still need to be purified so that those around us can better see Jesus?
  • When Jesus saw someone in need, He didn’t avoid helping him because it was an inconvenient time (the Sabbath). Instead, Jesus demonstrated compassion and gave the man the help he needed. Who has God put in our path that needs our help? Are we willing to show compassion and minister to those who need help, even when it’s not the most convenient time?

What's happening at NewSpring Church?

  • Need to Know: Weekly email to keep you informed about what's happening at NewSpring
  • Fuse News: Email for Fuse parents sent on the first Monday of the month
  • KidSpring Scoop: Email sent each Friday with the scoop on what's happening in KidSpring.
  • Read My Bible: Daily devotional sent via text from 6-7am
