Best decision ever

Asking Jesus into your life is no small thing! If you or a loved one just started a relationship with Jesus, here are some things you might find helpful.

Salvation Follow-up Entry

Did you just ask Jesus into your life?

That’s awesome! We want to celebrate with you and help you take your next steps. Fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon.

Did your child decide to follow Jesus?

We’re excited for them and for you! 

As a parent, you get to help your child grow in their understanding of what Jesus did on the cross. This card is a great tool for talking to your kids about salvation and baptism. 

Remember moms and dads, you’re not in this alone! Connect with KidSpring so they can celebrate with you and equip you as you teach your child what it means to follow Jesus.

This is the start of something great

Salvation is the start of a relationship, and the best way to build a relationship is through time together.

Spending time with Jesus can be as simple as reading the Bible, talking with Him in prayer, and experiencing His presence as you gather with other believers.

Check out the resources below.

Want more information on what it means to follow Jesus?