What happened when Jesus came to earth and why it’s a big deal

It’s a common plot for any number of Lifetime or Hallmark channel Christmas movies. Girl bumps her head and wakes up in a different reality. She remembers everything, but no one recognizes her for who she really is. 

Do you ever wonder if that’s how Jesus felt sometimes? Jesus had been with God from the beginning. Yet when He came into the world, many people didn’t recognize Him for who He truly is (John 1:10).

Jesus was not part God, part man. He was completely divine and completely human at the same time. When Jesus was born, God became man as Jesus embodied all of God’s attributes. 

This is the most amazing event in all of history: the eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, infinitely holy Son of God took on a human nature and lived among humanity as one who was both God and man at the same time, in one person. 

By becoming human, Jesus became the perfect teacher, sacrifice, and example. He showed us how God thinks and how we should think. He modeled how to live and gives us the power to live that way. Jesus came as the ultimate sacrifice for every sin we have and will commit. His death satisfied God’s requirement to remove our sin and restore our relationship with Him. 

When we believe Jesus is who He says He is, we become children of God and that changes everything. In Jesus, God becomes tangible and visible. 

For hundreds of years, God instructed His people through a complex religious system. People traveled from wherever they lived to be in God’s presence at the temple. But through Jesus, we can know God fully and talk to Him anytime, anywhere. 


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