Has God forgotten you?


Psalm 89

We’ve all been in a season of waiting — waiting for a job, a spouse, a baby, a good doctor’s report.

For most of us, waiting isn’t fun. Waiting is hard. And sometimes our waiting can feel like an unfulfilled promise — like Jesus has forgotten us or even broken a promise that He made to us. But God is a promise maker and a promise keeper. 

In Psalm 89, God’s people are crying out because they think God has broken a promise — that He didn’t do what He said He’d do. In 2 Samuel 7, God promised that someone from King David’s family would be king forever. But then Babylon defeats Israel, and King Nebuchadnezzar takes over. Nebuchadnezzar is not even Jewish, much less a member of David’s family. 

During this time, God reminds His people that He has not forgotten them. But His plan was going to be bigger than their current political crisis. Israel couldn’t yet see that King Jesus, a descendant of David, would take the throne for eternity. When things seemed to be at their worst, God was working behind the scenes to make a way for the most high king. 

Often, what we see and feel doesn’t seem to line up with what Jesus promised us. And just like Psalm 89, we often plead with God because our promise is unfulfilled or because His timing doesn’t line up with ours. 

But we can know that God will never leave us and that He’s not forgotten us. Psalm 34:18 reminds us that God is near to the brokenhearted. God is faithful. The journey may not always be fun, but His promises always come to pass.

This Christmas, as we wait for God to fulfill promises in our lives, remember God’s promise to David. God didn’t forget His people then, and He won’t forget you now. 


  • What are three ways that God has been faithful to you this year?
  • Is there a promise you're waiting to see fulfilled? Tell a friend so they can pray with you.

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