Session 19

Dear God, may there be unity in the church

From Amen: A 27-Day Prayer Guide

Within the body of Christ, there are varying opinions, teaching methods, and worship styles. But there is only one Jesus. 

At times, Christians disagree. And sometimes, we let those disagreements get the best of us. Often, it is easier to fight against one another than for one another. 

1 Peter 2:17 encourages us to “love the family of believers." When conflict or strife occurs in a family, we want peace. We do not want to oppose one another. In the same way, when there are opposing views and conflict within the church, we can work toward being unified as the family of God. 


  • What do you appreciate about the church? What about it fills you with hope? The church is the only organization God created, and He cares deeply about it. Let God know how much His church means to you. 
  • Unity in the church is possible because God gave us the ability to live at peace with one another through Jesus (Romans 12:18). When was the last time you thanked God for giving you the ability to experience His peace?


  • What are some areas of the church (locally or globally) that are in need of unity? What are you most looking forward to seeing believers unite around in the year ahead?


  • When you think about unity in the church, does a specific person or situation come to mind? Are there any unresolved disputes you need to address? If so, ask God for forgiveness. Then, reach out to the people involved to seek their forgiveness as well. 
  • Have you ever been hurt by people in the church? Ask God to heal your pain and to help you forgive those who hurt you. 
  • How do you respond when you come across disunity? Do you thrive on conflict or run from conflict? Ask God for the wisdom and understanding to bring people together instead of allowing conflict to push others apart. 

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