Session 21

What does Jesus want from me?

From Luke: A 24-Day Devotional


Luke 21

The widow gave everything—all she had to live on. Others gave a portion of their wealth. She gave all, out of her poverty. She could have given just one of her two coins. Had she done that, she would've given 50 percent of everything. Fifty percent is quite a bit. Imagine liquidating half your assets and giving them to church or charity. That would be substantial and impressive. Had she given 50 percent of her money, anyone watching would say, “This woman gave generously, even sacrificially.” In this case, the widow chose not to divide everything. She gave everything.

Jesus is not after a percentage of our life. He is after it all. He is passionately after our entire existence. There is nothing hidden from Him. Everything is laid bare in front of Him. We will give an account of everything. He wants it all. Not because He wants to take something from us, but because He loves us and will do so much more with us and for us than we can do on our own.

The Bible says in Romans 12:1, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” In other words, based on the fact that Jesus gave everything, our only reasonable response is to give Him everything.

So, how are we doing? This story about the widow is not about how much money you put in next week's offering. It's about something bigger. Have you emptied yourself in complete surrender to Jesus? Every day you’re faced with the decision to offer Jesus a percentage of your life or offer Him everything. Will you give Him all?


  • Is there any area of your life that doesn't belong to Jesus 100 percent?
  • Is Jesus asking you to give something up in order to follow Him completely?
  • What step do you need to take today to give that area to Jesus?

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