What is stopping you from sharing your faith?

Recently, my husband was discussing why he believes the Bible with his sister. She is not a Christian and asked many hard questions. Questions like:

“Why would God create man if he knew evil would enter the world and many would die and go to hell?”

“How do we know the Bible is the inspired Word of God?”

“Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?”

As they were talking, I thought, I’m glad she didn’t ask me these questions because I wouldn’t know what to say.

We’ve all been there. We hesitate to share our faith because we’re worried we won’t know what to say. What if we get a hard question we can’t answer? Or maybe, like Moses, we fear we will stumble over our words.

The Holy Spirit Speaks Through You

The truth is the Holy Spirit was given to us for situations just like this. If I was in the conversation instead of my husband, the Holy Spirit would speak through me and tell me what to say.

The Holy Spirit leads our conversations when we talking to non-believers. He helps us recall verses from our quiet times and equips us with the information necessary to spread the Gospel. Jesus told his followers not to worry about how they will defend themselves or what they should say, “for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say” (Luke 12:12).

This is a promise, and God always keeps His promises. The Holy Spirit will direct us and our words.

The Holy Spirit is Your Helper

The Holy Spirit empowers us. That’s why Jesus calls the Holy Spirit our helper. In John 14:16, Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as an advocate, someone who helps and supports us as we tell others about Him. One of the most important tasks we have been given as Christians is to share the Gospel.

In Mark 13:9-11 and Matthew 10:16-20, Jesus promises of the Holy Spirit while describing the hardships His followers would face for their faith — getting flogged, dragged into court, maybe even killed. The Gospel is such good news, it’s worth dying for. And while most of us will not face such danger, the Holy Spirit is still there, living inside us, helping us along the way.

If God gives us a command, He will give us the resources to fulfill that command (Matthew 10:16-20). The Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom and guidance we need to navigate difficult conversations, as well as the ability to clearly communicate our faith. We do not need to worry about stumbling over our words. We can trust whatever the Holy Spirit lays on our hearts at that moment (Mark 13:11).

We Still Have Responsibilities

The Holy Spirit empowers us to share the Gospel, but this does not relieve us of our responsibility to pray and prepare for opportunities to share our faith (1 Peter 3:14-15).

The Holy Spirit cannot bring to mind verses that we have not studied, read, or memorized. John 14:26 says that the Holy Spirit will remind us of everything Jesus has taught us. My husband had read books, prayed, searched the Bible, so when the time came, he was able to speak intelligently and truthfully and was not afraid.

We also have a responsibility to pray for those who will hear the Gospel. Then, trust that the Holy Spirit will give us opportunities to speak up and the right words to say when those opportunities arrive. God can and does prepare the hearts of the ones with whom we will speak.

The next time that difficult conversation presents itself, remember that the Holy Spirit is our helper, leader, strength, and mouthpiece. Miracles happen when we pray and prepare, and embrace the difficult conversations that come our way.

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