Sermon Series

The Art of Work and Rest

rest work

We are constantly faced with confusing messages about our work. Are we working enough? How much work is too much work? What is the line b...

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How to know if you’re living life to the full

work stress calling

I walked away from job security, a retirement plan, and excellent health insurance. Many people would say I ruined my life. What was I th...

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Five ways to put God first with your work

evangelism relationships work put god first

Actions speak louder than words, especially on the job, where we literally see the fruits of our labor. Our actions not only shape our ow...

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How to know when you’re worshipping your work

worship purpose work idolatry

I’d been happily working at the office for almost two years when out of nowhere everything changed. What once was a joyous environm...

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What you need to know before you get spiritual on your coworkers

evangelism work inviting

I was out of the workforce for many years as I stayed home with two children. Their young hearts genuinely wanted to know Jesus more, and...

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A new perspective on keeping the Sabbath

rest work

It’s Monday...again. Once more you find yourself trying to muster up the courage to get up, get ready, and face the week. The date...

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How a family’s deepest pain was healed

depression healing salvation health work

A work injury ruined Dan Fletcher’s life. Then he and his family got a way to start over. Watch the baptism and read the story.

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5 Ways to Bring Joy to a Joyless Workplace

community hope work following jesus

It’s as if the office itself matched the morale. The walls were covered in a hole-patching compound that was never sanded down or repain...

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Four ways to survive a thankless job

work thankfulness

For nine years as a server, I often felt overlooked and unappreciated by the people I served, I worked with, and I worked for. I hear sim...

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What you do is not who you are

identity serving purpose work

The toughest title I have ever had was as a stay-at-home mom. I am not great with kids, but I knew it was what I was called to do in that...

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You have permission to rest

faith rest work dreams

“‘Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. For I have ch...

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What if losing your job is what you need?

identity money work

The truth about unemployment is it sucks. It can be lonely. It can make you feel hopeless. You stand to lose more than just your job. Wi...

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