10 things to thank God for daily

Lauren Ayers

It’s easy to be thankful on Thanksgiving. It’s an entire holiday about gratitude. Across America, families will watch parades, eat turkey, and celebrate God’s provision over the past year.

God wants us to be thankful, but His vision for thankfulness is bigger than a once-a-year celebration.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to give thanks all the time and for everything. We are called be thankful daily, not just once a year.

10 Things to Thank God for Daily

1.  A Savior

Jesus died for us (John 3:16). He paid the price for our sin so that we didn’t have to. Jesus’ sacrifice is a beautiful example of how much God loves each of us.

2.  A fresh start 

Every day is a new day (Lamentations 3:22-23). We have a God of grace whose mercies begin new every morning. Our past doesn’t define our future.

3.  A purpose 

If you’re reading this, God is not done with you (Ephesians 2:10). He created you on purpose, with purpose, and for a purpose. We are God’s handiwork, uniquely designed to carry out His plans.

4.  A beautiful world

God’s creativity is on display 24/7  (Nehemiah 9:6). How many times do we drive from point A to point B and never stop to witness the beauty of God’s creation?

5.  The ability to worship 

We have the freedom to worship Jesus every day of the week (Psalm 100:4). We sing lullabies to our children and belt out our favorite music in the car, why would we not sing out to our Savior?

6.  Peace in any circumstance 

God does not promise that life will be easy, but He does promise us peace (John 14:27). When we take our eyes off our circumstances and focus on Him, He gives us peace.

7.  A full life 

Jesus doesn’t want us to just endure life; He wants us to enjoy life. John 10:10 says Jesus came so that we could not only have life, but have it to the full.

8. The Bible

The Bible doesn’t just speak of things in the past; it speaks to us today  (Hebrews 4:12 and 2 Timothy 3:16). Through the Bible, God instructs us, encourages us, and guides us.

9. The church  

We don’t have to walk through life alone (Hebrews 10:24-25). The church is a community of people doing the best they can to follow Jesus’ example. In the church, we find the encouragement to grow in love and good deeds.

10. A reason to hope

We serve a God who is not only a promise maker, but also a promise keeper (Numbers 23:19 and Romans 8:28). He promises to work all things together for our good. There is no greater hope than in a promise fulfiller who has conquered death.

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