20 questions to improve your marriage

God is for your marriage! If you will commit to working on it, He can bring you closer together. 

Use these 20 conversation starters to learn more about your spouse or significant other.

Learning to talk together is a great way to start working on a healthy and intimate marriage. After you've talked through them all, share the fun with other couples. Copy and paste the questions (and add your answers) as your status on Facebook.

If I could go anywhere in the world I would go...
My favorite holiday is...
The thing I most like to do on a date is...
My favorite restaurant is...
I feel most loved when you...

My favorite beverage is...
I wish you would do this one thing for me more often...
The coolest place we have ever taken a trip was to...
I like to spend time...
I wish you knew that I...

The one household chore I hate doing is...
I know that you are committed to our marriage when...
The one new thing I learned about you this week was...
My favorite color is...
When it comes to sports, I cheer for..

If you turn on my music you'll most likely hear...
My favorite candy is...
If I have free time I usually...
I like to relax by...
One word I say often is...


Bonus questions for married couples:

Answer the following questions on your next date night or in some other distraction-free setting, like the couch after the kids are in bed.

I think a happily married couple has sex ________ times a month.
I am sexually attracted to my spouse most when...
The best way you can serve me romantically is...
What do I enjoy the most about our relationship?
What are we currently not doing that you wish we would do as a couple?

What are you struggling with right now?
What do you feel like God is teaching/showing you?
When I think about God, this comes to mind first...
When I die, I want people to remember this about me...
I want you to know that...

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