Five Ways to Give Generously on a Small Budget

Joanna Neal

We see a phrase like “give generously,” and it’s easy to immediately feel overwhelmed. Here comes the stress! Here comes the obligation! Here comes just a little bit of guilt if we feel we don’t have enough money to be generous. The truth is that generosity isn’t about the amount you give; it is about your heart. 

Generosity is an overflow in our lives as we walk with Jesus and see more and more of His generosity to us. It is a way that we know our hearts are aligned with His.

Generosity is also so much more than just giving money. Having a big bank account is not a requirement for you to be a generous person.

Here are five ways you can be generous on a small budget!

1. Give your time

Spend time with someone who is going through a difficult season in life. Serve at a local outreach organization. Do something as simple as not rushing when you are in a drive-thru or grocery store. Take time to be present with people.

2. Give encouragement

Send a text message to someone. Maybe even get crazy and write a letter! If you are thankful for someone, tell them! Kind words have a profound impact. 

3. Give a gift

A cup of coffee goes a long way. Well, not everyone loves coffee, but you can buy something inexpensive for someone that still makes someone feel seen and appreciated. 

4. Give creatively

Take out your neighbor’s trash. Cook someone a meal and take it to them. Buy someone a book they have been talking about reading. Offer to give someone a ride to work or school if they need it. There are so many opportunities in front of us each day to be generous.

5. Give when God prompts you to

As followers of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit in us, who leads and shapes us to be more like Christ. We can trust if the Holy Spirit prompts us to be generous, it is for both our good and the good of the person receiving our generosity. You never know what part you play in someone’s life. Whether it is a family, friend, or a stranger, have the courage and faith to be generous when God leads you to and how He leads you to.

In Proverbs 11, there is a promise from God that “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

When we give generously and bless others, we receive blessing ourselves. Today, ask God which one of these simple five things He might be asking you to do for someone else. Trade in obligation for overflowing joy as you respond to His guidance and walk in faith.

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