The survivor’s guide to parenting elementary school kids

Congratulations! Your preschooler made it to elementary school! (Or maybe the miracle is you made it!?!)

You survived middle-of-the-night feedings, crying fits, and diaper disasters. You survived teething and ear infections. You survived tantrums, losing them in the store, and trips to the ER.

So are you ready to shepherd your kid through the next phase of their life adventure? We’ve put together this survival guide to help you overcome — with faith, grace, and lots of wisdom — the new challenges of parenting a child through elementary school.

1. How to know if your child is struggling at school

Every parent wants their kid to succeed in school. Discover the warning signs that your kid may need a little help adjusting to a whole new world.

2. How to build character into your kids and set healthy expectations.

How do you raise a good kid? It’s an age-old question. Find out how to help, not hurt, your child’s chances of growing into a healthy adult.

3. Why your child’s behavior doesn’t define you.

Are your parent goals about you or your child? No one wants to get stuck in this parent trap. (But if you are, there’s a way out!)

4. When is the right time for kids to go to slumber parties?

Keeping your child safe is your No. 1 priority, but you can do that and not give up this classic bonding experience.

5. How to know if your child is choosing the right friends.

You can’t choose your child’s friends, but you can help them figure out for themselves why some friends are better than others.

6. What should I do if my kid is being bullied?

We hope you never have to use these tips, but statistics say this is a problem many children will face (and won't always talk about). Equip yourself to respond, or prepare yourself, just in case.

7. Raising healthy children doesn’t all depend on you.

Parenting doesn’t have to be dominated by anxiety and stress. Even in the most challenging, frightening, or frustrating situations, you can rest in God’s love and His promises for you. Take this 30-day prayer journey, and both you and your child will be better off.

Have kids of a different age? Check out our other survival guides.

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