Top resources on spiritual warfare

Heaven and hell, angels and demons — these things are real. That statement isn’t meant to scare us, but to make us aware. We are living in a spiritual war. You won’t read about it online or hear about it on the nightly news, but that doesn’t make it any less real.

Our Best Resources on Spiritual Warfare

1. How to win in a spiritual war [article]

Most of what we know about the spiritual and supernatural we’ve learned from TV and the big screen. Hollywood’s interest in angels, demons, and the afterlife has dramatized spiritual warfare so much that it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s not.

2. How to identify spiritual warfare (and fight back) [article]

Lies from Satan derail us from God’s best. Even small lies make a big difference. When we see Satan’s lies and follow these three steps, we can fight back against spiritual warfare.

3. Ten Scriptures on spiritual warfare [article]

Reading and memorizing these 10 verses can equip you for the battle ahead.

4. Know your enemy, change your activity [article]

Knowing how Satan works helps us avoid falling prey to his schemes.

5. Seven truths to fight accusation [article]

When accusations and lies begin to pile up, we can stand on the truth of God's promises about our identity in Jesus. 

6. Hear No Evil [sermon series]

Satan tells us lies because he hates and wants to destroy us. But our heavenly Father tells us the truth because He loves us. These sermons will help you discover whose voice you're listening to. 

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