Session 4
It’s not all about me
From 2 Corinthians: 21-Day Bible Study
We hear the words “it’s not all about you” a lot these days. Sometimes it’s a genuine reminder toward selflessness. Sometimes it’s pushback on someone who deserves it. Other times, it’s code for “it’s not about you because it’s all about me.” We all assign great importance to ourselves at one time or another.
In 2 Corinthians 2:11, Paul says we should live “in order that Satan might not outwit us.” So, how is Satan trying to outwit us? Satan’s plan is pretty simple. In life, people inevitably hurt, insult or otherwise offend us. When this happens, we must decide how we are going to react, respond and recover. Satan tries to keep our focus on the offense and the offender, which is a backhanded way of focusing on ourselves as we believe we deserve some sort of revenge or justice.
As we learn to forgive, we become more like Jesus. Forgiveness is not condoning sin. Forgiveness is choosing not to respond to sin with sin. When we forgive, we set aside our desire for revenge and trust God to exact justice. We choose not to hold on to bitterness, but instead to love those who hurt us. And as we forgive, God takes the worst of humanity — our selfishness, sin, and brokenness — and uses it as an opportunity to display His heart for the world — one of grace, mercy, and justice.
Our natural response is to disregard those who sin against us, but God’s natural response is to forgive and restore. God cares that everyone, no matter the sin, finds hope, life, and forgiveness in His kingdom.
- Who has sinned against you that you need to forgive? What step can you take today to let go of the grudge you’re holding?
- What is one sin you committed that you haven’t forgiven yourself for? Take time today to confess your sin to Jesus and ask for forgiveness from the people you’ve hurt.