Session 14
Do people think you’re crazy?
From Acts: A 28-Day Devotional
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Paul heals a man who has been crippled since birth. Paul and Barnabas then encourage the people to believe in God’s power, not their own.
Do you ever feel like no matter what you say about God, people misunderstand you? Paul and Barnabas were misunderstood many times as they traveled and spoke about Jesus and salvation.
Some thought they were crazy. In synagogues, the Jews who refused to believe, “stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds” (Acts 14:2) and “the people of the city were divided” (Acts 14:4). Later in Lystra and Derbe, people thought Paul and Barnabas were gods because of the miracles they performed in Jesus’ name. God did amazing things, and crowds of people still hated Paul and Barnabas.

God has not left us to face the world alone. Paul and Barnabas had each other’s back. When they returned from preaching, they came to the local church for encouragement and prayer. Don’t be afraid to live boldly even if others think you’re crazy. You’re not alone. We’re in this together.
- What does this passage teach us about God? How does it apply to you?
- Despite repeated threats, Paul and Barnabas continued to boldly and patiently share the Gospel. Where did they get the strength to live boldly in the face of trouble?
- After coming close to being stoned to death, Paul got up and went to Lystra and Derbe. What kind of adversity are you facing today? How can you boldly continue the mission God has given you?