Session 21
The Woman with 2 Coins
From Eve & Adam: 30-Day Bible Study
All my life I have heard this story told during sermons given on stewardship or tithing. If this woman could give all she had, it should be easy for us to give out of overflow. I have had another thought over the years. What was she going to do tomorrow?
“…she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
She was a widow. Jesus always knew everything about those to whom He spoke, or those whom He observed. He said she gave all she had—everything— and that she lived in poverty.
So, what was she going to do tomorrow?
I don’t think she wondered or worried. She was a Godly woman. And Godly women don’t worry. Obedience is easy; it’s submission that’s hard. She had already submitted to her God. Those coins were evidence of her sacrificial giving (Sacrificial Giving—the thing we Christians have the most difficulty submitting to God). Once she had submitted, being sacrificial, having faith that God would continue to supply her needs—well—it was just the next step in her obedience.
Total submission is never easy. But that is our call as women of God.
1. As a woman on your journey toward submission and Godliness, what is your next step?
2. Are you and your family currently tithing? If not, why not? What would it take to get you to test God in this matter? (Malachi 3:10) If you are tithing, are you learning the joys of sacrificial giving and also teaching your children—giving above and beyond the tithe?