Session 1

God Wants You To Be Debt-Free

From Finding Your Financial Path

Debt is not God’s best for our lives, because it prevents us from being able to do what He’s called us to do. If God called you to move to another city, cut your hours at work or give extravagantly to someone in need, could you do it right now?

Whatever we’re controlled by is what we’re enslaved to. When we’re in debt, we belong to those who lend us money. The more debt we take on, the fewer options we give ourselves when it comes to where we work and how we spend our time. Instead of making decisions based on what we want to do, we find ourselves thinking about what we have to do.

Debt will always leave us feeling stuck, and Jesus wants so much more for our lives. When Jesus died for our sins, He paid the ultimate debt, a debt we could never afford to pay. Jesus died to give us freedom from sin and an abundant life. That’s why Paul encouraged the Christians in Rome to pay off whatever they owed, whether it was money or an apology. When the only debt we’re concerned with is how to love the people around us, we’ll do more for God than we ever imagined (Romans 13:7–8).

Think About:
1. What could you do for God if you were debt free?
2. What debts do you owe to those around you? What step can you take this week to start paying off those debts and living in freedom?

Jesus, thank You for giving me the ability to live in freedom. Help me as I aim to serve You and You alone.

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