Session 16

How much Jesus do you really want?

From Chasing Purpose: A 27-Day Devotional

What would do if Jesus knocked at your door? Would you swing the door open and invite Him in, messy house and all. Or, would you hide behind closed blinds, hoping he’ll give up like the local cable sales guy?

How and where we interact with someone says a lot about the intimacy we share, or want, with that person. For example, we can talk with co-workers all day about everything, yet never be fully known because we’ve never invited them into our life at home.

The great invitation of Revelation 3:20 is part of a letter Jesus writes to the church at Laodicea.

Laodicea wants to keep Jesus at a respectful, safe distance. In fact, the church at Laodicea thinks they have enough Jesus. They don’t want a relationship that will inevitably make demands of them. They’d rather text or FaceTime every now and again.

Jesus describes the church at Laodicea as “pitiable” and rebukes them for being “lukewarm.” They know Jesus but only as a passing acquaintance. But who will treat Jesus as a true friend? Who will walk with Jesus knowing that His passions and burdens must inevitably end up becoming our own?

Jesus is not calling for a lukewarm commitment. He invites us into an intimate, family relationship. And only those who risk a genuine relationship with Jesus will experience the delight of true fellowship with Him.


  • How would you describe your relationship with Jesus?
  • Is there any part of your life you’ve been hesitant to invite Him into? If so, why?

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