Session 19

The Angles of Angels

From Join the Chorus!


Isaiah 6:3

“And they were calling to one another: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.’” - Isaiah 6:3

Can you imagine the beautiful sound of angels singing praise to God? Isaiah 6 says that angels sing to one another communicating their perspective of God’s glory through song. They each sing in response to what they see. Each angel has a unique angle. But they also benefit from the perspective of the others. They experience a more complete picture of God’s glory together than they can alone. 

Similarly, we see and respond to different angles of God’s glory. Just as a group of friends can bring out the best in each other, we can also help each other see God in a more complete way. By worshiping with friends, we can see facets of Jesus we have yet to perceive on our own. It’s great to sing solo. But it is even better to join the chorus of praise. As we experience life together in community, we can more fully appreciate God’s glory. 

This year, when we’re gathered together, look to your left and right. Look all around. Listen for the joyful noise of those singing beside you. Sing loud for all to hear, not just to spread Christmas cheer, but to share your unique angle of the glory of God. Join with the angels in praising all the angles of God’s glory. 

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