What breaks your heart? What makes you say, “Somebody should really do something about that?”
Maybe that somebody is you.
We are all called to make a difference. We might think we are not qualified or that we don’t have the resources. We might fear doing something uncomfortable or worry what people will think.
Nehemiah has been through all that and more.
Nehemiah’s heart was broken because Jerusalem's walls were destroyed. Instead of just mourning and praying about it, Nehemiah decided to do something about it. He looked for the opportunities God gave him and courageously took steps to rebuild the wall. Nehemiah gathered a team to make a difference with him, and he never gave up despite challenges and opposition.
The book of Nehemiah gives us a blueprint of what making a difference can look like. Let Nehemiah’s faith, boldness, and obedience encourage you as you take steps to make a difference for what breaks your heart.