Session 5

He: A prayer in every breath

From Psalm 119: 22 Reasons to Love God’s Word

The fifth section of Psalm 119 is filled with desperate prayers to God: 

“Teach me…”
“Give me…”
“Lead me…” 

The fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “He” (pronounced “Hey”) is an exhale. A rabbi would tell you that every spoken word begins with “He,” the sound of breathing out. This section encourages us to ask bold, huge prayers with every single breath.  

As you read the words of God, may you thread them into your own prayers. May you come to know God’s heart to hear your most desperate desire. May you grow in grace for unceasing prayer. May you grow in boldness And may your time in God’s word be fuel for your life. 

  • Take a deep breath in then exhale slowly. Feel how your countenance changes. That release is how it feels to give our fears, longings, and desires to God. 
  • What are you desperate for today? Tell God. Don’t worry about being eloquent or saying the right thing. Let your concerns flow as freely as an exhale.  

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