Session 20

Tsadhe: You can trust God’s perfect rules

From Psalm 119: 22 Reasons to Love God’s Word

God’s righteousness never changes; nothing we do can alter His goodness. Unlike the world’s rules, the Lord’s rules are always right and can be trusted. 

There is nothing impure or selfish in the ways of God. Even in the midst of trouble and distress, we can bow our heads and find joy in the goodness of His commands.

As you read God’s words, may you find joy and comfort in His commands. May you believe that His rules are always right and trustworthy, especially in hard times. May you trust that even when your circumstances don’t make sense, God is good and will not lead you astray. 


  • Why is it sometimes difficult to trust God? 

  • How do bad circumstances affect your view of God?

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