generosity overflow

Jesus promises us life to the full. But how do we get there? What does it look like? Find answers to these questions and more as we look at what Scripture says about the overflowing life.  Do... Read More

Read Devotionals

Devotionals From This Study

Session 1

What it looks like to be filled and overflowing

When you picture overflow, what comes to mind? Perhaps you think of coffee spilling over the edges of a mug, water flowing over a dam, or...

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Session 2

This is a story of overflowing love

Have you ever loved someone so much you just couldn’t hold it back?Your cheeks flush when she laughs at your jokes. You erupt in cheers w...

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Session 3

Are you becoming more like your Dad?

Advertising teaches that change happens from the outside in. Imitate this person’s style or actions, and you’ll be loved, beautiful, at p...

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Session 4

Will you trust God to provide?

Who do we trust when life is difficult? Where do we turn when the bills pile up, a relationship is struggling, or a friend is in pain?Mos...

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Session 5

What if you already have what you need?

“Once I pay off my student loan and get a better job, I’ll start being generous.”“When I have a bigger house, I will lead a group.”“I jus...

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Session 6

Your little bit matters more than you think

Perhaps trying to be funny, Andrew suggests feeding over 5,000 people with a little boy’s lunch. Imagine his surprise when Jesus says, “h...

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Session 7

What motivates you to give?

It’s easy to share when we have lots to give. But how generous are we when there’s one brownie left in the pan? You know it’s love when y...

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Session 8

Pain can be the path to an overflowing life

Rarely do we record the hard parts of a journey. Often we rush through the valleys in favor of the mountain tops.In the same way, we like...

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Session 9

Holding on to what you have holds you back

There are two well-known seas in Israel, the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee teems with life and brings life to the c...

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Session 10

Servants see what happens behind the scenes

Jesus’ mother came to Him with a problem. Mary knew her son was no ordinary man. He was God’s Son, the divine living among them (Luke 2:2...

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Session 11

We have much to be thankful for

Temper tantrums are never pretty. The screaming, crying, and flailing on the ground happens because children want something they can’t ha...

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Session 12

What motivates someone to give Jesus everything?

Mary didn’t light up the room with a candle or sing a beautiful song. She broke open a container of perfume, and the fragrance filled the...

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Session 13

An overflowing life is a rich life

Generosity moves us to be generous. When someone does something kind for you, you want to do something kind in return. Even if the person...

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Session 14

It’s normal to be awestruck by how good God is

How wild is it that we get to call God “ours”? He is our God. Psalm 118:28 says, “God, You are my God, and I will give you thanks.”None o...

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