Addiction and bipolar disorder led Mary into separation from her husband, the love of Jesus brought them back together

My life before Jesus was filled with trauma, darkness, aloneness, purposelessness, and perceived abandonment. I struggled with relationship and food addictions as well as bipolar illness. I sought separation from my husband of 20 years, but, through the love of Jesus and the help of the Church, we reconciled and moved back in together—blissfully. Jesus has helped me recover from my addictions and illness and experience true freedom.

My life after Christ has been filled with people sharing Jesus’ love with me in my very darkest hours. It has been marked by more and more surrender since I came to NewSpring three years ago. Today, I bask in the light of His love and celebrate His fingerprints in my life!

Sharing your story is a simple and powerful way to tell people about Jesus.

Sharing your story is a simple and powerful way to tell people about Jesus. By talking about what Jesus has done for you, it’s like joining a conversation God is already having with them.