God answered a life-and-death prayer for Alison, and that was just for starters

Alison Underwood’s Story

My mom was dying and there was nothing I could do but pray.

I was at my mom's house that day in May 2012, making funeral arrangements for her brother's death. I heard mom call to me from the living room, and when I found her, she wasn't breathing. I called 911. The ambulance arrived in minutes, and the paramedics went to work, trying to revive her. But all I could do was walk the halls in her house, trying to figure out what to do next.

I knew that Jesus had this in control, and I never felt closer to him in my life.

Out of control

I have always been a “fixer” and, this time, I couldn't fix mom. So, I went into the dining room and laid face down on the floor, praying over and over again, “Jesus, please save my mommy.” Before I prayed, I felt like my world was coming to an end. But, as I got off the floor, I felt a tremendous sense of peace. It felt like a voice saying: "You're OK. You're going to be fine. I've got this."

I thought the peace was to prepare me for the fact she was gone. Instead it was to teach me how much He was in control.

From death to life

The doctors later told me she was unresponsive for 25 minutes, and they had to shock her heart six times to revive her. Over the next eight days in a medically-induced coma, she went into kidney and liver failure. There was talk of potential brain damage and concerns that she may never recover.

I would just pray. I wouldn't worry. I cried, but I knew it was taken care of. Jesus was faithful to answer every prayer during that time. After spending 42 days in the hospital she eventually came home, fully recovered. 

During her time in the hospital, we had many talks about God, and why he had chosen to bring her back to us.  And a little more than a month later, I was able to walk my mom down the aisle at NewSpring to nail her name on the cross to ask Jesus to be her Lord and Savior, and once again cross from death to life -- this time for eternity.


My whole experience with my mom changed me. Although there were times I was scared out of my mind, I have never felt closer to him in my life. I've seen him do something that no science can explain, and I know now He can handle anything.

Since then, my family has had more than its share of troubles with my dad undergoing triple bypass surgery, my husband and I losing two uncles, and our 16-year-old niece committing suicide. Yet, in every situation, I turned to Jesus.

That was one of many breakthroughs since I began to attend NewSpring in 2010. I have grown so much in my relationship to Christ, taken so many next steps, and I see more and more each day who I am and who Jesus wants me to be as I serve each week in KidSpring and Fuse.


I have been able to forgive the person who molested me as a child, and another who raped me. I have been able to let go of all the guilt of my sexually immoral and sinful past. Those decisions have been the most liberating experience of my life.

I also have seen my stepson and both of my sons accept Christ and get baptized. I have seen my husband make step after step on his journey to be the man that Jesus wants him to be for Him and for our family.

Although I had given my life to Jesus years before, the experience with my mom changed my walk with Him. It feels like Jesus has come in and softened my heart, and I obey him in greater faith. I feel like I was given a second chance to be a better Christian, a better daughter, a better wife, a better mother, and a better friend.

May 27, 2014

Sharing your story is a simple and powerful way to tell people about Jesus.

Sharing your story is a simple and powerful way to tell people about Jesus. By talking about what Jesus has done for you, it’s like joining a conversation God is already having with them.