Not “Just A Volunteer” - How Brandon Wilson Became a Difference Maker After Being Hurt by a Church
Brandon Wilson’s Story
Debunking the “Just a Volunteer” Myth

We joined Brandon early one Sunday to get a glimpse of what he does to make a difference as a volunteer on the production team at our NewSpring Clemson Community Campus.
We’ll take you behind the scenes from the moment Brandon arrives at 6 a.m. to see how his serving impacts hundreds of people who attend Sunday services. And you’ll read, in Brandon’s own words, why he believes you can make a difference, too.
How One Person Builds the Church Behind the Scenes

“After I get over the shock of my alarm at 4:45 a.m., I’m just thinking about how to make someone’s experience at NewSpring the best it can be.” - Brandon Wilson

“We arrive at Ravenel Elementary School at 6 a.m. on Sundays for load-in. It’s hard work, but we have the best production team ever. We run cables and set up speakers, adjust projectors. Whatever it takes to give people an environment free from distractions where they can encounter Jesus.”

“If we do our job right as production guys, we can really help people feel engaged. And whether it’s during worship or one of Perry’s messages, that one engaging moment can transform somebody’s life. It can change their direction.”

He Was Hurt by a Church, But Now He Helps One
“I serve because I see the stories of people’s lives that are being changed. I am one of those stories.”

“When I came to NewSpring, I was broken. I had been on staff at another church and that ended poorly...Years of unresolved pain in relationships and choices that I had made had caused me to seek approval from others no matter what the cost.”

“I immediately found hope in remembering a place where it’s OK to not be OK, it’s just not OK to stay that way.”
“Being part of a church has taught me that you don’t ever have to feel alone.”

What It Takes to Serve
“I think people who choose to be difference makers have experienced a difference maker in their own life. When someone has gone the extra mile for you and made you a priority, you want to do the same for others.”

“I do what I do because Jesus loved me at my worst and I think everyone deserves to experience that kind of unconditional love.”

“Serving is the best part of church. Serving requires you to focus on someone other than you. It gives you a change in perspective. Seeing someone take a next step changes my day from bad to good in an instant.”

The Only Thing Required for You to Make a Difference
“It’s not all singing and preaching. It’s making coffee, mopping the floor, loving on kids and showing them Jesus on their level. It’s all these things that don’t take a superhero, just somebody willing to use what God has gifted them to do.”

“Eventually I began to understand that all you need to do to make a difference is be available.”

“A win will never mean as much until you’re in the game. You don’t have to be a singer, or preacher, or a theologian...Making a difference is really all about making yourself available so that God can use you.”