Session 17
The secret to Paul’s confidence
From Acts: A 28-Day Devotional
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Paul travels to Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens to share the good news about Jesus. In Athens, he gets the opportunity to talk to the nation’s top thinkers about Christianity.
Paul stood before a group of leaders and boldly proclaimed the truth. How awesome is it that Paul’s words exude confidence, not insecurity?
Paul was able to speak with authority because he knew Jesus intimately. Paul had spent time studying God’s word and committing it to memory. In Paul’s speech, he quotes from Isaiah and Deuteronomy. His confidence came from the knowledge of God’s Word he received by spending time in the Bible.
When Jesus changed Paul’s heart, Paul experienced an extreme spiritual transformation. We grow in our relationship with God by spending time with Him each day, reading the Bible and talking to Him in prayer.

Maybe you’ve made a decision to follow Jesus, but you don't feel as close to God as you have in the past. Remember, feelings are not facts. Acts 17:27 says God is not far from any of us. That is great news!
- What does this passage teach us about God? How does it apply to you?
- What about your life has changed since coming to know Jesus?
- How has time with God contributed to that change?