5 Ways to Know God Loves You

1. He created you.

Psalm 139 says He knew you before you were born. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. You were planned way before you even existed. God put thought and care in to your design.

2. Christ died for you.

While you were still a sinner, Christ died for you. According to Romans 5:8 this sacrifice had nothing to do with your actions, but was simply to demonstrate God’s love.

3. He gave you the Bible.

John 10:10 says that God wants you to have “a rich and satisfying life”. It’s hard to know what that looks like today with so many people saying so many different things and arguing about what is right and wrong. 2 Timothy 3 says we can know what is right and wrong, good and evil by reading God's Word. He gave you the Bible so you can know the truth, hope and promises he offers and have the tools you need to live the best life possible.

4. He is jealous over you.

Think about when someone gets jealous in a relationship. It is when the other person is giving their affection to someone else. When you love someone you want their affection to be toward you alone. God is no different. He loves us so much and wants our affection, our worship, our love to be only to him and no other gods or idols. Exodus 20:2-6

5. He wants a relationship with you.

There are so many places you see that he wants a relationship with you in the Bible, from Jeremiah 33:3, where he says he will answer us when we call to him, to Romans 13:14, where we are instructed to clothe ourselves with the presence of Jesus. In Colossians 2:6-7 we are encouraged to continue to follow him. Hebrews 4:16 tells us we can come boldly to the throne. John 10:14 is where Jesus explains that he is the Good Shepherd and that his sheep know him and he knows his sheep. I think I understand most about his desire for me to have a relationship with him in John 15:5 where he tells us to remain in him and he will remain in us and it is only together that we can produce much fruit. 

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