Sermon Series

God Is

love grace

God tells us who He is. Do we believe Him? Before we understand our identity, we must understand the identity of God. God’s first descrip...

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love faith generosity 2 timothy 1 timothy

Legacy describes what we leave behind or pass along - our money, our property, our story - to those who come after. In this three-week se...

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Sermon Series

Tested Love

May 9, 2021

marriage love sex communication

No one loves a test, but we all love tested things. Build a strong marriage that can stand the test of time.

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1 John: A 7-Day Devotional

love following jesus

We say we love a lot of different things. We love food, friends and family, and our crush. To most of us love is a feeling, but what does...

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Emma found love and approval in her heavenly Father

identity salvation addiction fatherhood love sex

Emma Guthrie struggled in her identity when it came to men in her life, so God showed her what perfect love from a father looks like.

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It’s not a sin to love the world

evangelism love grace

Christians are meant to live for the world. Too bad, so many people know the church by what we’re against. If Christians are heard...

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Five steps to take your marriage from good to great

marriage love

Does your marriage feel like an exciting excursion, or more like serving a life-sentence? Marriage was created to be amazing.   Aft...

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You don’t have to make everyone happy this Christmas

love happiness relationships christmas joy

Tears — on Christmas day. Even though my daughter had opened more presents than she could count, she hadn’t opened a tablet....

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This is what real love looks like

love relationships friendship

“Can you two come over for dinner after church?” she asked.  We were caught so off guard we accepted without thinking a...

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You are more of a leader than you think you are

love leadership

“But I’m not a leader.”  Oh, but yes, you are. You can make a difference in others’ lives. Leadership doesn’t always look the way w...

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Is your relationship with your dad affecting how you see God?

family fatherhood love characteristics of god

Soon after Sharie and I met and fell in love, we began to realize we both loved God with all our hearts, but we had very different ways o...

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Do you know the five things men really want?

marriage love relationships sex

Intimacy is so much more than sex. Men tend to think sex leads to intimacy, yet women often see it the other way around. Men and women a...

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