Session 1

Join The Chorus!

From Join the Chorus!
“Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God.” - Psalm 147:1

O come, faithful, joyful, and triumphant people! Come now, lift your voice and sing! We are members of God’s great chorus, so, come, let us adore our God together. In these days before Christmas, let us remember the invitation we’ve been given to sing along in praise of Jesus Christ. 

It is good and right to sing praise to our King because he is abundant in power and his understanding is beyond measure (Psalm 147). From the beginning, God’s people have led the chorus of creation praising his name (Psalm 148). Yes, it’s the song of angels and shepherds… but it is also the song of commoners and kings, princes and paupers, fishermen, carpenters, business leaders, blue-collar workers, mechanics, and stay-at-home moms. 

Each generation, from every nation, tribe, and tongue brings their unique song to mingle into the ancient chorus (Psalm 149).  Open your mouth, breathe in the goodness of God, and breathe out praise to him in song (Psalm 150). We’ve been invited to sing and beckon others to join the great and mighty chorus singing: “Glory to God in the highest.” Do not be silent now.

For he alone is worthy. 

For he alone is worthy. 

For he alone is worthy. 

Christ the Lord!

John Francis Wade, O Come, All Ye Faithful, ca. 1744.

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