Session 6

How to survive the end of the world

From Mark: A 6-Week Devotional


Mark 13

If you look at what we watch and what we read, our culture is obsessed with the end of the world. Some have a theory as to how it will happen — zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, Jesus comes back. Others have a plan for exactly when and where they think it will all go down.

In Mark 13, Jesus gives us a vivid description of the signs of the end of the world as we know it. He includes important details, warnings, and instructions for those who love and obey Him. You might already have a bunker set up, but what does Jesus say we’ll need to survive?

1. Peace - Jesus tells us not to be alarmed at the rise of natural disasters and evil in this world (Mark 13:7-8). In the midst of the chaos, we can walk in His peace.

2. The Holy Spirit - When we don’t know what to say or how to explain what’s happening around us, we can trust the Holy Spirit to be our guide (Mark 13:10).

3. Perseverance - Jesus tells us to be constantly on our guard as we share the Gospel. People will hate us for what we believe, but “he who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Mark 13:13).

4. The Bible - Jesus warns us to be on our guard against false teachings and teachers. As we study and seek God in His Word, we will be able to distinguish truth from lies (Mark 13:31).

Jesus warns us about the future, not to scare us or to distract us, but so we will know how to live in the present. Desire to grow closer to Jesus day by day, and our actions and attitudes will be a sign to this world that Jesus is alive and that His return is near.


  • Does the imminent approach of the end of the world make you uneasy or fearful? Why or why not?
  • Who is Jesus to you and how is that affecting how you live your life?
  • How does listening to the Holy Spirit and reading the Bible help us live our lives now and not just in the end times?

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