Session 21

Sometimes, saying no is the best yes

From Mark: A 6-Week Devotional

Have you ever set a goal and didn’t complete it? Like breaking a diet for the cake in the break room, saying yes to one thing often requires us to say to no to something else. Keeping the diet might mean denying yourself that slice of cake, but you know you'll feel better at the end of the day.

In Mark 8:34-35, Jesus says if we want to be his disciples we must deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Him. That means sharing the good news of Jesus and trying to follow His example as closely as we know how. It also means that there will be times when we have to say ‘no’ to things we want in order to experience the better things He has for us.

Only when we understand who Jesus is can we fulfill what He’s asked of us.

Denying ourselves and following in Jesus’ footsteps seems impossible and not worth it, but like passing on the cake in the break room, experiencing lasting joy sometimes comes at the expense of our temporary happiness. Jesus understands this better than anyone. He poured Himself out to us, gave us everything, loved us and served us, only to die on a cross. But three days later, Jesus rose from the grave to give hope to the world!

It’s only when we understand who Jesus is that we can fulfill what He’s asked of us. It’s not easy to say ‘no’ to ourselves, but it’s important because there’s joy in following Jesus and there’s hope to be given out. If we really believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior of all, it’s worth people knowing Him. He gets the glory and we get the joy. And that’s way better than any slice of cake.


  • Who do you say Jesus is?
  • What is the “cake” in your life? What is the thing that hinders you from growing closer to Jesus?
  • Who are the people in your life that need hope, and how will you share it with them?

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