Session 10

Yodh: Delighting in the rules

From Psalm 119: 22 Reasons to Love God’s Word

Rules often feel restrictive. Here, the psalmist speaks of his confidence that the Lord’s rules are righteous. 

Far from boxing us in, the words of the Lord bring comfort and show God’s love. Like a good father who established discipline for his children, God has given us His words so we might enjoy life without shame. 

Today, as you read God’s words, may you delight in them. May you understand that God gives us rules because He is a good Father. And may you, through Jesus, walk in the law of the Lord in freedom.  

  • Feelings don’t always tell us the truth. How has this played out in your life? 
  • How does God’s law give us freedom?

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  • Read My Bible: Daily devotional sent via text from 6-7am
