Session 26

Why do you do what you do?

From Psalms: A 28-Day Devotional


Psalm 50

Do you ever hear Christians talk about what they are doing "for God"? It’s an odd phrase when you stop to think about it. 

After all, everything in the world belongs to God (Psalm 50:10-12). He doesn’t need anything from us. He’s the one who provides for us, not the other way around (Psalm 50:13-15).

All the spiritual activity in the world means nothing if we’re simply doing what we think we should. God cares much more about the state of our hearts than the performance we put on for others (Psalm 50:16). 

When we see God as He really is, we want to hear what He thinks. 

As our understanding of God’s greatness grows, so does our love and awe. When we see God as “the Mighty One, the God the Lord,” we bend to His will instead of asking, or demanding, Him to bend to ours (Psalm 50:17-21). We trust that He knows best and look to Him for help, knowing that His ways are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9). When we see God as He really is, we want to hear what He thinks and put His words into practice. 

Reading the Bible stops feeling like another item on our to-do list, and becomes a cherished moment in our day. Rather than paying God lip service, we find ourselves eager to hear what He has to say. We get excited about serving and how we might see God show up. We give our best and our first because we want to experience His blessing, and He is waiting with open arms to give it.

God needs nothing from us, but He does want something for us. He wants us to know Him.  


  • Think about all the things you do "for God" each week. Is there anything you’re currently doing out of obligation rather than obedience? 
  • Take a few minutes to ask God what needs to change. Is it the activities you’re doing or the attitude you’re bringing to them?  

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  • KidSpring Scoop: Email sent each Friday with the scoop on what's happening in KidSpring.
  • Read My Bible: Daily devotional sent via text from 6-7am
