Session 4

Go with the flow

From Ready to Receive: A 5-Day Devotional for NewSpring Women’s Conference

It may happen in worship. It may happen in a conversation. It may happen in a moment of silence and reflection.

Wherever you are, experiencing the nudge of the Holy Spirit may feel awesome — or a little overwhelming.

If you are sensing changes the Holy Spirit wants to make in your life or outlook, praise God! But now what?

The secret to becoming more like Jesus is flexibility.

Paul learned this early in ministry. He wanted to take the Gospel to Asia, but the Holy Spirit forbade him from going. Paul and his ministry partners tried going to a different region, but again the Spirit did not allow them (Acts 16:6-10).

Jesus had a plan for Paul’s life and ministry, but it was often different from the one Paul envisioned. Instead of pouting and arguing, Paul followed the Holy Spirit wherever God wanted him to go and whenever God wanted him to move.

Jesus has a plan for your life. And it’s probably a lot different than the plan you have for your life. You have to be willing to put down your plans and pick up His. Obviously, His are far better!

We can experience the joy and success that comes with flexibility — instead of frustration and disappointment — if we are willing to do three things:

  1. Let change happen organically. This way, you aren’t disappointed if something doesn’t happen the way you thought it would. Don’t be so set in your ways that when God changes your circumstances, you are resentful rather than grateful.
  2. Set goals, but be aware that those goals might not be fulfilled the way you think they should be. Be open to new goals that you probably never considered before.
  3. Be willing to consider different solutions and ideas as they present themselves. God will often use other people to offer new options.

In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us He has good plans for our lives. It’s not wrong to have our own plans, but we need to recognize God’s authority and let Him lead the way if we truly want to live in peace and joy and to abound in His work.


  • How stubborn are you about having to do things “your way”?
  • Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt God nudge you to do something and you really didn’t want to do it His way?
  • What happened when you gave in and did it His way?

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