victory suffering romans god's will adoption holy spirit god's plan
All of creation is caught up in revealing the nature of God. We were never designed to live in defeat! Because of Jesus, we reflect a gre...
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fatherhood characteristics of god adoption
In the summer of 2015, my wife and I boarded a plane for China to adopt a 5-year-old boy. We named him Joseph, and without missing a beat...
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faith purpose parenting adoption ministry
Elizabeth Bordeaux didn't know her burden to adopt would make her an adoption pioneer. Press play to hear how bold moves work.
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family salvation fatherhood relationships parenting infertility mothers adoption
Quentin Shaver felt abandoned by a broken family. When he met Meg Cook, her heart already had a place where he belonged.
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family trust children adoption
It’s not that I did not want to adopt. We weren’t against adoption. We just never had a reason to entertain the thought. ...
children parenting adoption
I remember the first time my wife asked me, "Do you think we would ever be foster parents?" My answer at the time was 100 percent no! How...
family children parenting abortion adoption
For National Adoption Awareness Month, Clayton King sat down for a wide-ranging conversation on Facebook Live about his identity as an ad...
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