Five promises for those of us who are tired all the time

Tired. Exhausted. Weary. Empty. Sound familiar?

We all have days where we’re running on empty, and no matter how hard we work, the list of things to do just seems to get longer and longer. Ever had one of those weeks where you work a long day only to come home to a perpetually messy house, and as soon as you walk in the door, someone’s asking, 'What's for dinner?"

Here’s the great thing about our God. In Him, we only have one thing on our to-do list: Love Him.

In Matthew 11:25-30, Jesus is thanking God the Father for revealing knowledge exactly as it is needed. At the end, Jesus closes with a promise of rest. The Lord is gracious and gives us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. 

When we rest in Him, we get to be still and hear His heart. When we hear His heart, His love for us and others will overflow out of our lives and affect those around us. Instead of pouring out of an empty vessel, we get to just sit under His waterfall, and when our cups are full, the extra just oozes out and touches those around us. No effort, no striving, just overflow. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Instead of trying to ration out your emotional and physical energy between your daily commitments, try to just rest in Him. Listen. Be filled. God is so faithful. His to-do list is very short, but His grace is never-ending. Now doesn’t that sound refreshing?

5 Great Verses to Read When You're Tired

Jesus says His yoke is easy and His burden is light. If we’re carrying more than that, we’re not living in God’s best for us! We are not perfect, but Jesus is. 

In Jesus, all things hold together. That means the pressure is off. It's not on me to keep everything going. The earth will keep turning and life will keep happening even if I fail to finish my to-do list or mess up my neatly arranged plans. 

Just because I get tired and weary doesn’t mean the Lord does. This is great for two reasons: I know that the Lord won’t tire of helping me when I need Him. And, He has limitless strength, He will sustain me when I’m beginning to fade.

Abound is such a cool word. Overflowing, unyielding, abounding. God will make all grace abound in us so we can abound in every good work. When a cup is overflowing, it doesn’t have to try to overflow; it just sits under the source. It overflows. It abounds.

We will reap. Whatever season you may be in, you will reap. Don’t give up. Remember, seasons pass and the Lord sustains us through them all. 

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