Sermon Series

The Art of Work and Rest

rest work

We are constantly faced with confusing messages about our work. Are we working enough? How much work is too much work? What is the line b...

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A new perspective on keeping the Sabbath

rest work

It’s Monday...again. Once more you find yourself trying to muster up the courage to get up, get ready, and face the week. The date...

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If you’re always exhausted, take a second look at your definition of "rest"

rest social media sabbath

The scent of charcoal and hamburgers floats through your neighborhood. Friends and family gather on the deck as children play in the pool...

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Five promises for those of us who are tired all the time

provision grace rest promises

Tired. Exhausted. Weary. Empty. Sound familiar? We all have days where we’re running on empty, and no matter how hard we work, the...

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You have permission to rest

faith rest work dreams

“‘Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. For I have ch...

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Work, work, work, work, work

worship rest work

A recap of Dan Lian’s message “Work, work, work, work, work,” in 140 characters or less.  To be "built to last,...

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How to have a Spring Break you won’t regret

students rest regret alcohol

Spring break is a much-needed week off from school. Professors assign homework that is typically ignored, and college students everywhere...

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Seven ways to recover from the holidays

family christmas rest busyness

It’s easy to get burnt out from the holidays. You’re probably too tired to even read this. We scraped by another Thanksgivin...

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Ready to quit? Practical advice for when burnout takes hold

purpose rest work stress overwhelmed

As a teacher, everyday can feel like one of “those days.”  A typical day at school includes: morning bus duty, parent c...

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Breaking the Procrastination Cycle: 3 Ways to Maximize Your Time

bible rest repentance social media

How many times has your evening gone something like this:I’m not quite ready for bed yet, so I’ll do a quick Facebook check. ...

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Four lies most women believe

freedom women truth rest

Imagine Eve in the Garden in Genesis walking around at peace, completely free of shame. As women, we have a hard time imagining the freed...

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