Sermon Series

God Is

love grace

God tells us who He is. Do we believe Him? Before we understand our identity, we must understand the identity of God. God’s first descrip...

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It’s not a sin to love the world

evangelism love grace

Christians are meant to live for the world. Too bad, so many people know the church by what we’re against. If Christians are heard...

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Five ways to put God first with your spouse

marriage serving grace put god first

When we think of a bride, our minds go to a young woman on her wedding day. She’s walking down the aisle to her future husband, and...

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What is mercy and why does God give it to me?

freedom salvation forgiveness grace

A few days ago, a couple from Costa Rica came to visit my wife and I. One of the sites we took them to was Montreat College, a Christian ...

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One thing you don’t have to doubt

salvation doubt grace

We all have doubts. We leave the house then wonder if we turned the lights off. We doubt our parenting skills when our kids melt down in...

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Five promises for those of us who are tired all the time

provision grace rest promises

Tired. Exhausted. Weary. Empty. Sound familiar? We all have days where we’re running on empty, and no matter how hard we work, the...

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What you miss when you give grace to everyone but you

identity grace jealousy

We’ve all had a moment of defeat. Maybe it was the middle school moment you haven’t been able to shake for 15 years or the pr...

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Three ways to show grace to your spouse

marriage relationships grace

Sometimes, I wake up a sleep-deprived creature who doesn’t want to talk. The first things I tell my husband when he gets home are u...

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Are you trying to earn what you can only receive?

salvation grace

Most of our lives we’ve been told that nothing in life is free. Everything costs us something. A date to the movies and dinner can ...

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Why can’t I stop messing up?

community salvation grace

The night I gave my life to Jesus I didn’t hear angels sing, but I knew something extraordinary happened in me. I was confident in my sal...

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Two things we all need to know about grace

salvation forgiveness grace

Economists say, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Nothing in this world comes for free. Even when we don’t...

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Top 10 stories about salvation

community hope salvation grace faith purpose

NewSpring believes that every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God. Watch and read our fa...

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