Session 10

Dear God, unite me and my spouse

From Amen: A 27-Day Prayer Guide

Every couple reaches that moment when there’s nothing left to be said. You have talked, argued, and presented your point of view in many times and many ways. But you and your spouse remain at a stalemate. No amount of reasoning will change the other’s mind. 

When relationships lack unity, our gut tells us to talk it out. But what if we’re talking to the wrong person? Conversations bring clarity, but only the Holy Spirit brings unity. 

Conversations with God can change things that talking to our spouses cannot. Instead of asking God to change your spouse, ask Him to align your heart with His. 

God is the only one who can cultivate true unity, and praying for your spouse (or your future spouse) is important. You won’t be able to experience a oneness with someone else unless you pursue it with the Lord first.

If you’re single, spending time with God is the best way to prepare for marriage. Coming alongside someone else is much easier when your core needs are met by the only One who can fill them.


  • Jesus bridged the gap between humanity and God so we can experience true oneness with God and each other. Thank God for making unity possible. 
  • How have you seen God hold a relationship together in the past — either by changing your heart or the other person’s? As you remember God’s past faithfulness, thank Him for always meeting you where you are. 


  • What is one way you’re hoping to grow as a husband or wife? Tell God where you are most excited to see Him work in your life in the year ahead. 


  • What do you need God to change in you so you can be a better spouse (or future spouse)? Ask Him to give you what you need to love your spouse or future spouse. 
  • Colossians 3:13 tells us to forgive others as the Lord forgave us. Is there anyone you need to forgive or ask for forgiveness from? Are you holding any grudges against your spouse? Confess these grievances to God, and commit to loving your spouse like Jesus loves us — unconditionally and forever.  
  • Is there any area of your marriage where you and your spouse need the wisdom to know what to do? Ask God to show you the way and unite you in your decision. 

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