Charleston News


Want to dive deeper into Second Corinthians?

As we walk through On Purpose: A Study of Second Corinthians, we invite you to go deeper in your study with these trusted resources: ...

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Calling all Fuse students! Fuse[A]Palooza is September 25, and you won’t want to miss it. This night will be full of fun: free snacks, ga...

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Vision 2030

In 2020, God gave the NewSpring leadership team three clear goals for NewSpring Church over the next decade, made possible by His faithfu...

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Join us this week for On-site Groups and Fuse at our new home! If you are in a fall on-site group, join us at 7pm on Tuesday, September 1...

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Join us for the First Sunday in our New Home!

Join us this Sunday, September 22, for the first Sunday in our new home! During this service, we’ll have a special building dedication an...

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Fuse News is one email- once a month

Fuse News is jam-packed with info on the current Fuse series, teaching schedule, special events, and additional resources for further con...

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Thank You to NewSpring- Simon from Kenya Church Plant

church planting

NewSpring family, we are so excited to see all that God has done through our church plant in Kenya during their first year as a church! I...

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Meet our new church planters!

church planting

Most of this year’s Overflow Offering will help us build a permanent home for the Aiken Campus, but a portion of all funds raised will al...

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Israel Prayer Update

As a church, we’re committed to continue praying for the crisis in Israel and surrounding regions. Watch this video for an update on...

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Pray for Israel

As a church, we’re committed to praying for the crisis in Israel and surrounding regions. We invite everyone to pray through the Psalms o...

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What is Vision 2030?

church planting

We want to see everyone everywhere in an everyday relationship with Jesus — and yes, we’ve got some work to do. The first step? For us, i...

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What is "The Daily?"

The Daily is the everyday practice of gratitude, prayer, and Bible reading — all within the NewSpring App.

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