Greenville News


KidSpring Releases EP of 6 songs on August 2

KidSpring’s six-song EP, “You Amaze Me,” comes out August 2! This EP includes four of kids’ favorite KidSpring songs as well as two brand...

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Prayer for Work & Rest

As the Art of Work & Rest series comes to a close, we are reflecting on all God has taught us about work and rest. Although we will b...

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Financial Learning Experience

Financial Learning Experience is a 90-minute online resource that will help you win with your finances by handling them God’s way. We enc...

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Fuse News is one email once a month

Fuse News is jam-packed with info on the current Fuse series, teaching schedule, special events, and additional resources for further con...

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Fuse News is one email- once a month

Fuse News is jam-packed with info on the current Fuse series, teaching schedule, special events, and additional resources for further con...

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Vision 2030

In 2020, God gave our leadership team three clear goals for NewSpring Church over the next decade: be debt-free, find permanent homes for...

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Connect Class Begins Aug. 5

We want everyone everywhere to have an everyday relationship with Jesus. If you’re new to NewSpring or ready to get involved here, C...

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Thank You to NewSpring- Simon from Kenya Church Plant

church planting

NewSpring family, we are so excited to see all that God has done through our church plant in Kenya during their first year as a church! I...

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Meet our new church planters!

church planting

Most of this year’s Overflow Offering will help us build a permanent home for the Aiken Campus, but a portion of all funds raised will al...

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Israel Prayer Update

As a church, we’re committed to continue praying for the crisis in Israel and surrounding regions. Watch this video for an update on...

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Pray for Israel

As a church, we’re committed to praying for the crisis in Israel and surrounding regions. We invite everyone to pray through the Psalms o...

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What is Vision 2030?

church planting

We want to see everyone everywhere in an everyday relationship with Jesus — and yes, we’ve got some work to do. The first step? For us, i...

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