· Meredith Knox
Sermon Series
victory suffering romans god's will adoption holy spirit god's plan
All of creation is caught up in revealing the nature of God. We were never designed to live in defeat! Because of Jesus, we reflect a greater hope.
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April 24, 2022
"Repentance" isn’t a word that is commonly liked. It sounds like someone very angry should be yelling it at you, but really, it signifies...
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May 1, 2022
In the Roman times, adoption was motivated by aquiring power. In Romans 8, we see our hearts long for adoption into God’s family for diff...
May 8, 2022
All victory comes at a cost. There can be growing pain and heartache, but because of Jesus, we have a greater hope.
May 15, 2022
God calls us to grow into the image of Jesus day-by-day. What does it actually mean to answer that call?
May 22, 2022
Victory begins with a mindset. So, how is your "inner talk?"
May 29, 2022
Because of Jesus, we have access to a victorious life through humility, transparency, discipline, and community.