
How can God still love me?

identity doubt love

Sometimes we choose to make decisions that aren’t the best, and those past mistakes can leave us facing a torrent of guilt, regret,...

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I’ve already had sex, why stop now?

dating love relationships sex purity

For too long, I believed that to make a man happy, I needed to fulfill him sexually. I thought that if I didn’t give my man se...

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Why serving others this holiday matters more than we think

community hope love compassion christmas

This Thanksgiving, I sat by an empty chair. My family, like all families, crams in our modest house for holidays. It’s a blur of j...

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The worst thing about America isn’t what you think

community love relationships groups social media

I glanced across the restaurant table at my friend, a Clemson graduate student from India. We had planned to get together while she was i...

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Does your spouse feel loved?

marriage love husbands wives

“Once upon a time, there was a perfect couple that lived happily ever after, effortlessly.”  Riiight. No couple lives happily ever ...

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15 ways to help you date your spouse again

marriage dating love husbands wives

The biggest hindrance to date night is rarely a lack of desire. Often we’re so busy, broke, and tired that the idea of planning som...

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Finding true love: It’s not as flashy or simple as The Bachelorette

dating love relationships living together

The Bachelorette may seem like trash TV to some, but to others it is a guilty pleasure that goes beyond reason. I jumped on the bandwagon...

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Why you’ll never find “the one”

dating love relationships

“I think she’s the one!” “He’s got to be my soul mate!” Often, the myth of “the one” st...

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You Don’t Have to Be in Charge to Lead

love relationships leadership

Leadership isn’t a position, but a posture. It doesn’t matter if you’re a college student, the new person in the office...

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What “Two Become One” Doesn’t Mean

marriage love relationships

I’m a rule follower. If you tell me what the expectation is, I will do everything in my power to meet the moral standard. So on my...

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What Jesus really said about relationships

family community love relationships

When someone you love tells you something more than once, you listen. It’s important to that person, so it becomes important to you...

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Gay Marriage: What Do We Do?

marriage homosexuality love politics

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that gay marriage is legal across the country. Many have celebrated the decision, but the n...

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