
What to do when kids want high-tech toys

money children christmas parenting

“All of my friends got an iPad from Santa. Why didn’t I get one?” My then 6-year-old pointedly asked me this ques...

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How to fight back when greed grabs hold of your kids at Christmas

children christmas greed parenting kids following jesus

I don’t know about you, but this time of year seems to create little gimmie monsters of our normal, mostly kind and thankful children. An...

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Why singing to God is good for you and your kids

worship parenting

When we sing, we’re hiding God’s Word in our hearts just like Psalm 119:11 encourages us to.

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How to teach your kids to be thankful

children parenting thankfulness

God has given us everything. David says in Psalm 9:1, “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your ...

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How to deal with the pressure to be the perfect dad

fatherhood parenting stress fear

The day my wife and I left the hospital with our first child, they didn’t hand me a book on how to be a great dad. There was no lam...

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God is the one dad who will never leave you

fatherhood children parenting characteristics of god

If you’ve been around church for any length of time you have probably heard this: “God won’t leave you or abandon you ....

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Think God won’t understand what you’re going through?

parenting suffering characteristics of god

I like to think that I have a great relationship with my teenage daughter. We talk through things, we laugh together, we have fun.  ...

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Can you prevent your college student from losing her religion?

faith parenting following jesus college

This year, I have both a college freshman and a college senior. They were raised in church, grew up in Sunday school, and are well acquai...

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How to know if your child is struggling at school

children parenting communication

Every parent has heard a story and said, “Oh, that is not my child.”  We love our children. They are a precious gift fr...

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Should your 20-something live at home?

marriage parenting college

Daughter: “Mom, can I bring some friends from college over for dinner Sunday?” Me: “Yes, honey. We’d love that!&r...

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How to get your teenager talking

trust children parenting communication

You thought the toddler years were challenging and then your child became a teenager.  No matter how delightful or difficult your t...

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