Money is the leading cause for marriages ending and depression. The Bible gives us clear instructions with our money and shows us that Go...
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money generosity giving
A steward is someone who is appointed to take care of or look after another’s property. God created us in His image to be Hi...
money giving tithing
“Tithe” simply means a tenth. In the Bible, God commands His people to bring 10 percent of their gross income back to the chu...
money generosity giving tithing
Overflow is a aspect of our family identity as sons and daughters of God. Because God is an overflowing God, we are an ove...
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money faith following jesus
God can be trusted with our time, our talent, and the things we treasure the most. What area of your life is most difficult to surrender ...
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money debt parenting college
Few milestones reveal what our kids understand about money more than when they go off to college for the first time or earn that first pa...
heaven eternity money generosity greed
“You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse.” Preachers have used this old saying for years to explain a simple fact: Y...
money generosity tithing put god first
We’ve all heard the expression “put your money where your mouth is.” We show with our actions, not just our words, what...
money greed tithing
I’d like to tithe, but I can’t afford to. Isn’t tithing kind of old school? Do people really do that? The church...
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money bible time management accountability following jesus put god first
My husband and I have been on a debt-free journey ever since we got married. Although, if I’m being honest, we have been on a debt-...
money children christmas parenting
“All of my friends got an iPad from Santa. Why didn’t I get one?” My then 6-year-old pointedly asked me this ques...
money provision generosity giving tithing
Have you ever wondered where God was in the middle of a tough situation? Why He didn’t seem to hold up His end of the deal? Why you...
money relationships parenting college survival guides
Our best wisdom, tools, and tips about parenting with grown kids
students money dating responsibility parenting sex communication survival guides
Our best wisdom, tools, and tips about parenting high school students.
money provision missions
When God called me to a mission trip in 2010, there were many unknowns. I’d never been on a plane bigger than a four-seater ...