Session 3
Forgive Yourself
From Life Hacks
“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity.” - Proverbs 28:13-14
As Christians trying to live life the right way and do what God tells us, we are often harder on ourselves than God is. If we are ever going to experience how much God loves us we must learn to forgive ourselves.
If you are really hard on yourself, don’t assume that God feels that way about you. God loves you. He is never surprised when you sin or make a mistake because He knows you better than you know yourself. He knows that without His help you're not so good at living the life He has for you.
God is not ok with sin. He does not get excited about our mistakes. But He is faithful and just to forgive our sins when we confess and repent, thanks to Jesus. And He does not stop loving you at any point.
So if God is willing to forgive you like that, you can forgive yourself too. Stop beating yourself up and live the free life that Jesus died to give you.
1) Take a second to think about how much God loves you.
2) Ask God to show you how He feels about you.
3) Forgive yourself for anything you’re beating yourself up about.